CategoriesDubai Real Estate Blog

How Dubai Decreased Crime Reports by 62% in 2022

In 2022, Dubai reported a 62% decrease in criminal reports—a remarkable feat for any city. It’s one that other cities are eager to learn from and replicate, so let’s take a closer look at the four key aspects that contributed to this significant decrease in crime.

Training and Development – In 2022, Dubai police and security forces introduced an initiative to improve their services. The program equipped officers with new equipment and resources that allowed them to reduce crime and respond more quickly to criminal activity. The initiative also provided officers with additional training workshops and courses from the department of training and development.

Crime Reduction – Dubai has remarked over the past few years that crime is a top priority for the city. In 2022, for example, Dubai’s police force increased its presence to decrease crime reports by 62%. The first aspect involved an increased focus on crime prevention. This included increased law enforcement presence, increased surveillance cameras, and targeted campaigns to raise awareness about criminal activity.

Tourist Police – One of the main initiatives of our Tourist Police Department was to deliver over 50 awareness lectures for more than 4,000 beneficiaries from the tourism industry. The initiative was responsible for decreasing crime reports by 62% and these results have helped secure Dubai’s reputation as one of the most secure cities in the world.

Lost and Found – The Lost and Found Department supports a culture of honesty, with 14 honest individuals returning items they had found. The department returned found items to 745 people, which only further reinforces the values of trust and honesty.

Dubai has succeeded in reducing crime by 62% as a result of carefully planned crime reduction strategies. By focusing on crime prevention, providing better training opportunities for officers, introducing dedicated tourist police units, and setting up a centralized lost & found system, Dubai has become one of the safest places in the world to live.

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